What are neurons?
Objective: I can explain how stimulus is transmitted through neurons, creating a response to the body from the brain.
Standard: Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or memories.
Hey there student scientists! Welcome to our first unit on Stimulus and Response. Ever wondered why your hand jerks back when you touch something hot? Or why your leg flexes involuntarily when the doctor checks your reflexes? These responses are made possible by neurons. Neurons transmit signals from through our bodies to the brain and cause the body to act. Today, let's take a closer look at the structure of the neuron and how it functions.
Watch the video at this link to label the parts of the neuron on the Neuron Anatomy Activity:
Once you have successfully labeled your neuron, go to this website to do a simulation to see how messages are transmitted from neuron to neuron and throughout the body.
Note: Click on the flash button in the top left hand corner to access the simulation.